Web-Based Online Training Registration Information System
Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran Pelatihan Online Berbasis Web
In the era of globalization, information systems can be developed using more advanced and practical technologies, such as web-based applications. The UPT BLK Surabaya office currently does not have a website that provides access to information about the training programs offered at UPT BLK Surabaya, nor does it allow for online registration for these programs. Applicants from outside the city must still visit the location to register for training, and staff must manually collect the necessary registration data. The method used in this research involves data collection, interviews, and literature studies. The online training registration information system is built using PHP programming language, with MySQL as the database server. With this research, the general public will be able to access and register for training online without having to visit the location, and staff can access applicant data more efficiently.
- Efficiency: The web-based system simplifies data collection for staff and reduces manual paperwork, enhancing efficiency.
- Accessibility: Applicants can access training information and register online, eliminating the need to visit the location physically.
- Sustainability: The system promotes paperless operations, aligning with eco-friendly practices.
Keywords: Online Training Registration, Information System, Web-Based Application, UPT BLK Surabaya, PHP-MySQL
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