The Application of Internet of Things Technology for Monitoring Closed House Farm Environment

Penerapan Teknologi Internet of Things Untuk Pemantauan Kondisi Lingkungan Closed House Farm

  • (1)  Didik Heri Kuswoyo            Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

  • (2) * Sumarno Sumarno              

  • (3)  Metatia Intan Mauliana            Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Eggs consumption in East Java in 2022 will be 2.33 kilograms per week with an estimated egg weight of 50 grams per egg. Chicken egg production in the East Java region in 2022 is around 1,314.11 thousand tons, while consumption number is 292.22 thousand tons. Eggs production can be fulfilled supported by a good layer poultry farm system. One model of layer poultry farm that is used is the Closed House farm type. In this system, layer poultry farm requires real-time monitoring to maintain the temperature and humidity conditions of the layer poultry farm properly. The implementation of this monitoring system can help the poulterer or the owners to maintain the temperature and humidity conditions of the cage in real-time using an Android-based application.should be typed using Times New Roman font. Authors should use this document as their article template.


  • Real-Time Monitoring: The IoT system enables real-time temperature and humidity monitoring, improving farm management and productivity.
  • Remote Control: Android-based applications allow remote monitoring and control of farm conditions from anywhere with internet access.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Maintaining optimal environmental parameters reduces disease risks and maximizes poultry growth and egg production.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Android Studio, Closed House Farm


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