Website Based Snack Sales Information System (POS) Application
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Penjualan Snack (POS) Berbabsis Web
In the current era of globalization, it can be said that technology plays a very important role in helping human life, especially as it is now, in terms of buying and selling transactions for products. The aim of information technology today can be said to be an intermediary for presenting information or data on an object, especially a product, accurately and its truth can be validated. From the problems above, a system was created that can be used to assist the buying and selling process which is usually called Point of Sales or abbreviated as (POS). In short, this system is used to help with bookkeeping related to sales in the form of buyer data and purchase period. This system is supported by a method called Waterfall. The waterfall model itself it the oldest software development and is the earlist SDLC approach used for developing software. SDLC has a pattern taken to develop a software system which consist of several stages, namely planning, analysis, implementation, testing and management.
- Technological Advancement: The POS system optimizes transaction processes, enhancing speed and accuracy in data management.
- Waterfall Methodology: A systematic and sequential SDLC model ensures organized software development.
- Customer Experience: Features like E-wallet integration and real-time data enhance convenience and satisfaction.
Keywords: Information System, POS, SDLC, Waterfall
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