Web-Based Badminton Court Rental Information System
Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Lapangan Bulutangkis Berbasis Website
Badminton is a popular sport that is loved by many people in various circles of society. The Graha Sentosa meeting and sports hall is one of the many businesses that provides badminton court rentals. However, booking bookings and rental schedules still use conventional methods. This makes the manager work less effectively in recording and as a customer it is also difficult for him to see the available field schedule. The aim of creating this web-based information system is to make it easier for managers to record orders and assist customers in ordering and viewing field schedules. The research method used in developing this information system is the waterfall method. The results of the research article entitled Website-Based Badminton Court Rental Information System (Case Study of the Graha Sentosa Meeting and Sports Hall) are expected to make it easier for managers to record and schedule court rentals.
- A web-based system enhances efficiency by replacing traditional manual booking methods for badminton court rentals.
- The Waterfall method is used for system development, ensuring structured and sequential progress from requirement gathering to deployment.
- The system simplifies customer booking processes while improving managerial scheduling and data recording.
Keywords: Badminton, Waterfall, Rental, Website, Information Systems
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