Expert System for Therapy Using Germanium Stone and Bioglass
Sistem Pakar untuk Terapi Menggunakan Batu Germanium dan Bioglass
Germanium stone and bioglass are useful for alleviating some common daily ailments, but they are not well recognized by the general public. Through addressing these limitations, the development of this expert system aims to provide information on the use of products or devices containing germanium stone and bioglass to address a specific health complaint and its symptoms. The expert system uses the backward chaining method to facilitate understanding of how to use therapeutic devices containing germanium stone and bioglass for a defined health complaint within the system. This involves selecting symptoms that match the experienced facts, followed by displaying the method of using the therapeutic device. The results from the expert system are presented in the form of a website for easier use by the general public, accessible from anywhere. Based on blackbox testing, the system functionality reached 100%.
- Therapeutic Benefits: The system simplifies therapy selection using germanium stone and bioglass based on symptoms.
- Backward Chaining: This AI-based expert system utilizes backward chaining for precise recommendations.
- Web Accessibility: Designed as a user-friendly website for public access anytime and anywhere.
Keywords: Expert System, Backward Chaining, Bioglass, Germanium Stone, Website
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