The Process of The Model for the Development of Public Services in The Department of Library and Archives in the Batu City (Case Study of Ranging Library Services)
Penyusunan Model Proses Pelayanan Publik pada Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Batu (Studi Kasus Layanan Perpustakaan Keliling)
The Department of Library and Archives of Batu City is an agency that organizes archiving and library functions. Library management in Batu City is carried out by the Library Division. The duties and functions of the Information Office in the implementation are in accordance with good governance management, namely transparency, accountability, and based on consensus. Business activities carried out in the office are not completely recorded in a standard document in the form of a procedure. Through official procedures, the definition and implementation environment of activities can be determined which can be used as a reference for each official activity. Procedures as a guidance document for each activity in the office need to be written in a graphic form that can make it easier for stakeholders to understand activities and make it easier for those implementing the technology management function to understand the needs through the risks that arise from each activity. Miscommunication and decreasing quality of service in the management of libraries, reading gardens and mobile libraries often occur, especially in connection with problems caused by the absence of written references within the office. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to formulate a process model of activities in the office. Documenting a process model that will truly provide higher quality benefits because it is based on clear references, it can prevents miscommunication, prevents security threats, and increases the transparency of processes that have been happening in the office. The compilation model is carried out through the activity of respondent data, which previously carried out the determination through the RACI Chart technique. Data collection was carried out through surveys so that an output was formed in the form of business process abstracts according to each stakeholder in the agency. After validation, the process will be compiled using the BPMN modeling language so that a standard model is obtained from the mobile library.
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