Exploiting Clickjacking to Steal Login Data from Social Media Platforms
Mengeksploitasi Clickjacking untuk Mencuri Data Login dari Platform Media Sosial
This research focuses on designing modified clickjacking links to investigate the phenomenon of clickjacking attacks aimed at obtaining user information from WhatsApp and Instagram. It aims to both implement these attacks and assess their effectiveness in gathering data on victims. Using fake clickjacking links as a conduit, the study successfully retrieves login credentials from WhatsApp and Instagram, highlighting common defense methods against such attacks and identifying modified websites vulnerable to clickjacking techniques. The study concludes by emphasizing the need for user education, particularly on social media platforms, and proactive measures to mitigate the impact of clickjacking incidents.
- Clickjacking uses hidden elements to trick users into clicking unintended actions.
- Phishing sites mimic legitimate platforms to steal user credentials.
- Effective defenses include X-Frame-Options, CSP, and user education.
Keywords: Attack, Link, Hacking, Security, Protection
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Copyright (c) 2023 Achmad Firly Henry Egitha, Yunianita Rahmawati

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