Closed Project-Based Learning Model Boosts Critical Thinking in Vocational Students
Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Tertutup Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMK
This study evaluates the impact of the innovative learning method of Close Project Based Learning (CPjBL) on critical thinking skills of vocational students in network system administration courses. The research was conducted in a classroom of SMK Dian Indonesia with 10 students, using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The results of the study analyzed by paired t-test showed that students' critical thinking skills improved significantly after the application of the CPjBL method, and the average post-test score (86.6) was higher than the pre-test.Rephrase check (82). The Shapiro-Wilk normality test confirmed that the data were normally distributed, and the paired t-test results showed a significance level of 0.002 (p<0.05) indicating a significant difference after treatment. This study shows that the CPjBL method is effective in improving the critical thinking skills of vocational students, as evidenced by an increase in understanding and practical skills in network administration.
- CPjBL significantly boosts critical thinking in network administration.
- Post-test scores improved notably after applying CPjBL.
- Effective instructional model for vocational technical education.
Keywords: CPjBL, Critical Thingking, Project Based Learning, One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design.
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