Designing Educational Mobile Game "Dimatika" for Basic Mathematics Learning Media Perancangan Mobile Game Edukasi “Dimatika” Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika Dasar

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Achmad Rizki


Basic mathematics from other sciences, causes mathematics to be related to other sciences. Most people are very difficult to learn mathematics. Because all this time the method used in mathematics learning is a manual method that is less attractive and tends to be boring. In fact, for the ability to capture good learning, it should be emphasized more  on  visual  education  that  looks  attractive  with  additional images  and  sounds  in  it.  So  an educational game was made which made mathematics learning not boring and looked more attractive so that it increased the intention to learn mathematics. In software development, researchers use the ADDIE method, the development stage and the testing phase can produce something measurable. Then an educational mobile game was made "DIMATIKA - Mathematical Dimensions". In its design, this game uses a prototype method, this method is very well used to solve problems and is repetitive with fast design.



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