Entrepreneurial Readiness of Vocational School Students in terms of Independent Attitude, Entrepreneurship Knowledge, and Family
Kesiapan Wirausaha Siswa SMK Ditinjau dari Sikap Mandiri, Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan, dan Keluarga
nal Education System Law No.20 of 2003 stipulates that vocational education is secondary education which prepares students primarily to work in certain fields. The data shows that labor conditions in Indonesia are currently colored by increasingly high unemployment. BPS recorded the total number of unemployed nationally open in February 2018 reaching 6.87 million people or 5.13% of the total workforce. High unemployment is possible because the competencies possessed by Indonesian HR are still low or because employment opportunities are indeed insufficient to accommodate all graduates of the workforce produced by schools and universities. One solution to this problem is to produce graduates of educational institutions that have the ability to develop entrepreneurship. The focus of this research was conducted by looking at the effect of independent attitude, entrepreneurial and family knowledge on vocational students' entrepreneurial readiness.
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