Optimization of Aqidah Teaching with Google Classroom and Interactive Mentimeter in Pharmacy Study Program FMIPA UII

Optimalisasi Pengajaran Aqidah dengan Google Classroom dan Interactive Mentimeter pada Prodi Farmasi FMIPA UII

  • (1) * Shubhi Mahmashony              

    (*) Corresponding Author


Islamic Education (Aqidah) was chosen because it includes the clumps of University Subjects. This is reinforced by Law No. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education. The problem faced so far for the lecturers of this course is a number of students still consider Aqidah is just a formality course. Teaching methods are sometimes considered monotonous and boring. Because most lecturers use conventional method to explain the material. Sometimes it makes students bored and even sleepy. The implementation of this research aims to provide a breakthrough in teaching Aqidah. Students are expected not to be bored when following this course. The innovations used are by optimizing the Google Classroom and Interactive Mentimeter programs. Although both are online does not mean that the offline method is forgotten. Because the monolog and discussions are still used. This learning program also emphasizes student activeness. Debates and practices of speech include methods that are used to lure students more active in the classroom. The main purpose of the implementation of this teaching is to know change of student behavior when or after taking the course Aqidah. In addition to the attendance and final grades, the participation of students in the ta'lim program (Islamic mentoring) is also used to measure program achievement.


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