Education Games Play Game Role in Electromechanical Basic Teaching Learning as a Learning Media for Class X Students Automation Industry
Game Edukasi Role Playing Game Pada Mata Pelajaran Pekerjaan Dasar Elektromekanik sebagai Media Pembelajaran Siswa Kelas X Otomasi Industri
This research is one of the development studies which aims to produce a learning media product in the form of an educational game based on role playing games to help facilitate students in the learning process of electromechanical basic work in class X students of the industrial automation expertise program at SMKN 1 Cilegon. This educational game as a learning medium was previously tested with media experts and material experts. Research and development of instructional media in the form of an educational game based on role playing games on learning electromechanical basic work using the development model that researchers use in research namely the ADDIE model developed by (William & Owens, 2004) ADDIE is short for Analyze (analysis), Design (Design), Development (development), Implementation (implementation), and Evaluation (evaluation). In collecting data using the method of interviews with subject teachers and giving questionnaires to students of class X industrial automation at SMK 1 Cilegon. The development of educational game learning media was tested on students of industrial automation X grade at SMKN 1 Cilegon. Data collection by giving questionnaires to media experts, material experts, and students. From the results of the distribution of the questionnaire so that the data analysis technique is valid. Based on the results of data analysis from the study obtained data (1) the feasibility level of learning media for educational games for electromechanical basic work by media experts with an average value of 77.3 with a range of scores x ≥ 80 are in the category of eligibility "Very Eligible", (2) the level of eligibility learning media of educational games for electromechanical basic work by students on average 62.3 in the range of scores x “54 are in the category of" Very Eligible ", (3) The level of effectiveness of instructional media with an n-gain value of 0.79 including" high effectiveness ".
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Copyright (c) 2019 Didik Aribowo, Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman , Muniyaturrohat

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