Storm Detection Application on Satellite Image Using the Hough Circle Method Based on Digital Image Processing

Aplikasi Deteksi Badai pada Citra Satelit Menggunakan Metode Hough Circle Berbasis Pengolahan Citra Digital

  • (1) * Bayu Charisma Putra            

  • (2)  Reza Augusta Jannatul Firdaus            Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Image processing is the process of taking information from an image, either in the form of a frame or video (a set of frames). In general, this information is used for specific purposes, such as counting, identifying and classifying objects. Image processing can consist of 1 or more processes, examples of these processes are filtering, smoothing, background subtraction and so on. This research will discuss an image processing for storm detection on satellite images using pattern recognition. The research object of this case is a storm that will be recognized from a satellite image recording. The satellite imagery referred to here is obtained from several sites. The stages of image processing are carried out, among others, the first is the extraction of frames from the video. Then the frame in the form of an RGB image is converted into a grayscale image. The next process is smoothing which aims to minimize noise so that the information obtained is more accurate. The last stage is the process of object detection using pattern recognition. The recognized pattern is a pattern based on the video which has a shape resembling a circle and is dominated by white. A pattern that is recognized as a potential storm will be marked with a certain marker shape. The detected storm information will be shared with all users. Applications made on the android smartphone platform with the java programming language. After the application is successfully made, the level of accuracy will be analyzed and calculated.


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