Uno Card Game Media Improves Student Learning on Solar System Material
Media Permainan Kartu Uno Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Tata Surya
This study aims to be able to see the effect of the use of uno card game media on solar system material on student cognitive learning outcomes at MTs Al Hikmah Kalidawir, this study used a type of quantitative research with an experimental approach, the population in this study were seventh grade high school students totaling 60 students and had not received solar system material, sampling in this study used control and experimental techniques using the Quasi Experimental Design method, so there were 30 control class respondents and 30 experiment class respondents. The instruments used in this study are cognitive questions and uno card media. From the data analysis using the help of SPSS 26, the independent t-test shows a significant difference in learning outcomes between the experimental and control classes (Sig. 0.000). From the research results N - Gain obtained by the experimental class is higher than the control class, the experimental class obtained a value of 0.74% (High) while the control class obtained a value of 0.55% (Medium). So it can be concluded that the uno card game learning media can have an influence on the learning outcomes of junior high school.
Significant Learning Improvement – The experimental group using the Uno card game showed a significantly higher N-Gain (0.74, High) compared to the control group (0.55, Medium).
Effective Experimental Design – The study used a Quasi-Experimental Design with 60 students, evenly split into control and experimental groups, ensuring reliable comparison.
Statistical Validation – The independent t-test (Sig. 0.000) confirms a statistically significant difference in cognitive learning outcomes between the two groups.
Keywords: Uno Card Game, Learning Outcomes, Solar System
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