Web-Based Accounting System for Bumdes Berdikari Abadi Sedatigede
Sistem Akuntansi Berbasis Web untuk Bumdes Berdikari Abadi Sedatigede
Accounting is a process that begins with recording, grouping, processing, presenting data, and recording transactions related to finance, so that the information can be used by someone who is an expert in the field and becomes a material for making a decision. The Village-Owned Enterprise Berdikari Abadi Sedatigede is one of the business units under the auspices of the village government and its business unit is the Waste Management Facility. However, its financial records still use conventional methods. This makes BUMDes managers less effective in recording their finances. The purpose of creating this web-based information system is to facilitate recording cash inflows, cash outflows, journals and financial reports. The research method used in developing this information system is the waterfall method. The results of the research article entitled Website-Based Accounting Information System (Case Study of Bumdes Berdikari Abadi Sedatigede) are expected to facilitate Bumdes financial records.
- Developed a web-based accounting system to replace manual Excel-based records.
- Implemented the Waterfall method for structured system development.
- Simplified financial processes including journals, ledgers, and financial reports.
Keywords: Accounting, Waterfall, Website, Information Systems
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