Web-Based System for Digital Product Sales Using RAD and Midtrans
Sistem Berbasis Web untuk Penjualan Produk Digital Menggunakan RAD dan Midtrans
Digital products are products or goods that do not have a physical form (digital) and transactions occur on electronic media. Digital product sellers often offer their products through social media group platforms by applying payments that are still manually transferred to the seller's account. In improving sales transaction services to buyers. So this research aims to apply the payment gateway from Midtrans to the system that has been created. This research uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method which has several stages, namely requirements planning, system design, development and implementation. This system has also been tested using blackbox testing to check its functionality by getting successful results with an average value of 100% and user response testing by getting an average value of 93.33%, from the percentage results that show in the Very Good category. The result of this research is the implementation of payment gateway on digital product sales information system with RAD method.
- Efficient Transactions: Implementing the Midtrans payment gateway streamlines payment processes, offering secure and versatile methods.
- User-Friendly Design: The RAD methodology ensures quick, incremental development, enhancing usability for both admin and users.
- Reliable System Testing: Achieved 100% functionality success through blackbox testing, proving system readiness and robustness.
Keywords: Payment Gateway, Midtrans, Digital Product, Rapid Application Development (RAD)
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Copyright (c) 2022 Firman Dwi Nurdian, Mochamad Alfan Rosid, Ika Ratna Indra Astutik, Cindy Taurusta

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