Web-Based Booking System for Home Cleaning Services at Niceklin
Sistem Pemesanan Berbasis Web untuk Jasa Pembersihan Rumah di Niceklin
Niceklin still uses manual service orders by contacting the admin or visiting the location directly, this is the reason the author created an online service ordering information system using the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method and the Laravel framework inspired by MySQL with the aim of making it easier for customers to Determine the date and time of the order, then the order details will be entered into the customer's email, apart from that the customer can submit proof of payment online in the system. This information system also makes it easy for admins to process the services offered if changes occur. Testing on the home cleaning service booking information system is carried out in two types, namely black box testing and SUS (System Usability Scale) with the final score obtained at 70 or in the quite good category.
- Streamlined Booking Process: The system allows customers to schedule services and receive email confirmations online.
- Improved User Experience: Incorporates online payment validation and detailed service pricing, addressing existing service gaps.
- High Usability Score: Achieved a System Usability Scale (SUS) score of 70, indicating effective user satisfaction.
Keywords: Information System, Service Ordering, Website
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