The Assistance of Writing Arabic Character Using Gamification-based Smart Qur’an
Pendampingan Menulis Huruf Sambung Arab Menggunakan Aplikasi Mengaji Cerdas Berbasis Gamifikasi
Character education has an important role for each individual, especially for early childhood. Instilling good character education in children can foster good deeds based on religious values. The cultivation of religious values is given by the implementation of non-formal education in the form of a Quranic Education Park (TPQ) with a curriculum that emphasizes learning to read and write the Quran. In the process of learning the Quran at TPQ Al Hidayah, there was a problem of children who could not understand and write hijaiyah connective letters due to limited learning demonstration media. Service in the form of development and training of gamification-based intelligent assessment applications can help in solving problems at TPQ Al Hidayah. The result of the service activity is the creation of a product that can be used by children in learning to write hijaiyah connective letters easily and fun.
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